Experimenting With Magazine Writing: Finding New Ideas for the printed page by Jacob Malewitz, Age of Empires Writer, and working on a book, 7 Gates of Thebes Magazines do not always publish experimental non-fiction, but often they do. This essay explores how to write experimental magazine writing. Hunter Thompson’s writing was far from normal, but he was published Magazine writers need to have an intended audience Bring the human factor into the article first DID: Blake Bailey used a beginning similar to a novel in his biography of Richard Yates Unlike journalism, magazine writers can, more often than not, bring themselves into a piece. A writer who likes to experiment can find a home for many of their off-beat pieces. There were magazines that published Hunter Thompson in his prime—and his writing was far from normal. Many other top writers began their careers by writing non-fiction for magazines. If you would like to experiment with a magazine piece, this...